Goals and tasks

According to its articles of association, the AdC’s core task is to support and promote the common interests of its member companies in matters relating to wage agreements and social policy.

On the basis of common interests within the industry and needs within the member companies, strategies and guidelines are formulated addressing collective bargaining policy. These are determined jointly with our negotiating partner and result in wage agreements and other contracts.

The AdC’s history shows how successful these strategies have been. The German cigarette industry has managed to secure a significant role in the global tobacco industry and has been able to expand on it. From marketing to industrial policy, from research and development to production standards – it’s German companies that set the standards. Two thirds of Germany’s production in cigarettes are exported throughout the world.

A significant part of this success is attributable to the very positive cooperation between employer and employee representatives and to the constant development and adaptation of collective wage agreements.

The AdC advises its members in all questions regarding employment and social law and represents them in fundamental issues.

The AdC represents the interests of the industry within the Federal Union of German Employer Associations (Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände or BDA) and within the Employers’ Association for the Foodstuffs, Drinks and Tobacco Industries (Arbeitgebervereinigung der Ernährungs- und Genussmittelbranchen or ANG).

The AdC – together with the NGG union – is responsible for the training and further education of the works council members in the member companies.

Goals and tasks

According to its articles of association, the AdC’s core task is to support and promote the common interests of its member companies in matters relating to wage agreements and social policy.

On the basis of common interests within the industry and needs within the member companies, strategies and guidelines are formulated addressing collective bargaining policy. These are determined jointly with our negotiating partner and result in wage agreements and other contracts.

The AdC’s history shows how successful these strategies have been. The German cigarette industry has managed to secure a significant role in the global tobacco industry and has been able to expand on it. From marketing to industrial policy, from research and development to production standards – it’s German companies that set the standards. Two thirds of Germany’s production in cigarettes are exported throughout the world.

A significant part of this success is attributable to the very positive cooperation between employer and employee representatives and to the constant development and adaptation of collective wage agreements.

The AdC advises its members in all questions regarding employment and social law and represents them in fundamental issues.

The AdC represents the interests of the industry within the Federal Union of German Employer Associations (Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände or BDA) and within the Employers’ Association for the Foodstuffs, Drinks and Tobacco Industries (Arbeitgebervereinigung der Ernährungs- und Genussmittelbranchen or ANG).

The AdC – together with the NGG union – is responsible for the training and further education of the works council members in the member companies.